
What Type Of Animals Are Yoohoo And Friends

"Subsequently Imagi, I was contacted by Konnie Kwak, the owner of Toonzone Studios (no relation). She brought me on, and gave me this Korean child evidence "YooHoo & Friends" which she had acquired the rights to. She wanted me to brand this actually young Korean language kid show into something that she could sell to western Goggle box. The mode wasn't my manner at all, and at get-go I was worried about what I could do with it. But so it occurred to me that if I approached it similarly to Woody Allen's "What's Up, Tiger Lily?," where a foreign linguistic communication film is redubbed in english with an entirely different story, information technology could be funny. I proposed taking the existing 11 infinitesimal Korean shorts, and rewriting the dialogue, and creating four minutes of new animation per episode (cut out 4 minutes of old footage). I created a brand new story arc, back story, etc..."

Yep, BOY! It'southward time to describe YooHoo & Friends here!

Once Upon a Time, in that location was an blithe series based on a line of plush toys of the same name depicting many endangered animals, to help raise awareness of their situation. Information technology centered around a group of 5 friends; YooHoo, Roodee, Chewoo, Pammee and Lemmee, attempting to fix the environment to go on growing their Trees of Life.

And and then David Feiss, the guy behind Moo-cow and Craven and I Am Weasel, got his easily on it.

The result was several flavors of weird.

In the 2012 Gag Dub adaptation headed by Feiss, entirely new scenes now testify how YooHoo and co. offset out life equally the executives of the company Nasty Corp, whose money grubbing schemes leave natural wonder afterward natural wonder devastated in their wake. As a upshot, Father Time, voiced past rapper Flavor Flav (aye, really) is tasked by his wife Female parent Nature to exercise something well-nigh it. Father Time uses his magic to transform the executives into adorable piffling animals, and sends them on a quest to fix all their misdeeds, in return for gemstones. Once they go enough gemstones, they will exist granted ane wish; which they plan to apply to become human again.

Each episode is also started by a narration from Father Time, equally he finds certain problems in the past and tries (and commonly fails) to prepare them. Adding to the weird is the fact that Father Time's scenes are animated in the same fashion as David Feiss' previous work, while YooHoo and co. are blithe in Adobe Wink.

YooHoo & Friends had its globe debut on Cartoon Network in Latin America in Jan 2012 (and later aqueduct hopped to Boomerang), with ABC3 in Commonwealth of australia and Pop in the Britain premiering the evidence besides in English in the same year. The show wasn't a large success, and it never aired anywhere else internationally every bit planned. A merchandise line was also planned besides, with plush toys, playsets, and low-cal upwards dolls.

Somewhen, the show wasn't renewed for a second season, which acquired Toonzone Studios, the (now closed) company backside the adaptation, to accept legal action against Aurora World. They lost, and the evidence started to fade into obscurity shortly afterwards.

YEAH, Male child! It's fourth dimension for the tropes!

  • Adaptational Villainy: All of the YooHoos started off as Corrupt Corporate Executives who destroyed nature before existence forced to atone for their crimes as beautiful furry animals, every bit opposed to a group of heroic animals who are out to salvage the world as eco-warriors.
  • Badass Adorable: The YooHoos themselves authorize equally this, being able to reach great feats and consistently save the day, despite their small size, and adorable advent.
  • Baleful Polymorph: The central theme of the series with the Nasty Corp executives being transformed into beautiful, cuddly animals.
  • Been There, Shaped History: Part of a Running Gag includes Father Fourth dimension existence present at an important historical event, and inadvertently causes it to happen. He kickstarted life on the planet by heating primordial soup, accidentally caused the Salem Witch Trials, and was responsible for the sinking of the Titanic.
  • Book Dumb: Countless characters appear to have an inability to count.
    • Chewoo, Pammee, and several other characters have a trend to include colors while counting.
  • Butt-Monkey:
    • (Or in this instance, Squirrel); Chewoo, the cheerleader and yard idiot in the evidence, considered by her friends equally a constant annoyance due to her stupidity, immaturity and hyperactivity. Kinda hard to believe she ever had the ability to be a greedy corporate executive. Roodee in one case looks at the camera and asks, "Why is she even in this bear witness?" Lemmee also asks when Chewoo effortlessly crosses a unsafe bridge past rolling over it "Why does Chewoo mess upward when she tries and succeeds when she doesn't?"
    • The Pookees, as idiotic villains, are past default the target of every possible misfortune, and like Chewoo they don't fare too well in the intellect department.

    Pookee one: Why exercise bad things always happen to us?

    • In detail Pookee sixteen appears to be a butt monkey among his brothers, who care for him equally being expendable and ever forcefulness him to undertake the nigh dangerous tasks. Shown in the episode "Nasty Book" when Pookee 1 attempt to fling them over a chasm using a catapult,

    Pookee 16: I don't think this is condom.

    Pookee 1: Nobody cares what y'all think!

    • To a lesser extent Lemmee, when the others get fed up with him. This has increased equally the series progresses from the others subtly directing insults at him (especially Roodee and Pammee) to full out displays of dislike, as shown in the "Tree of My Wife" episode when in that location is fork in the path and they accept to split up upwardly, YooHoo states he would exist willing go with anyone "as long as information technology's non Lemmee." Also in the "Stoney Isle" (intentionally spelled incorrectly here) episode YooHoo believes that Lemmee won't become to heaven.
  • Catchphrase:

    Female parent Nature: *Gives a asking to Begetter Fourth dimension*

    Begetter Time: I don't have time for that!

    Mother Nature: Don't have the fourth dimension? Y'all're Father Time!

    • Also YooHoo's "YooHoo!" (which survived from the previous series)
    • To a lesser extent Lemmee's "Listen up..."
    • Can't forget Father Time'south "Yes, BOY!".
  • Cruella to Animals: One of the crimes committed by the Nasty Corp executives when they were human was dining on endangered hawkeye, and then picking their teeth with ebony toothpicks and throwing the toothpicks out of their private jet.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Loonee the Snowy Owl who is extremely delusional.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Nasty Corp. is this Played Straight.
  • Counting to Potato: Chewoo, Pammee, and several other characters have a tendency to include colors while counting.
  • Cruella to Animals: One of the crimes committed past the Nasty Corp executives when they were human being was dining on endangered eagle, so picking their teeth with ebony toothpicks and throwing the toothpicks out of their private jet.
  • Cute Bruiser: Chewoo.
  • Cuteness Proximity: The YooHoos constantly notice it's hard to exist beautiful and cuddly, without acting like information technology. All (except Lemmee) behave like the small-scale, adorable animals they take become.
  • Cutting-and-Paste Translation: Ane tin can tell at a glance what was and wasn't in the original.
  • Cutting Short: The English version proved to be a ratings disaster in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, then Season 2 never got its Gag Dub.
  • Dashing Hispanic: Libby the Lynx.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Roodee and Lemmee ofttimes engage in this, frequently at each other.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: In the future the penalization for harming a petrified tree is beingness thrown in "Time to come Jail". Questioning "Time to come Laws" results in a Pie in the Face followed by a brick. Killing the same tree is grounds for getting mauled past a behemothic robot cat.
  • Dolled-Up Installment: So much was altered that information technology's practically a different show.
  • Dude Looks Similar a Lady: Sasa the Shaolin Monkey (who's a boy in this series) has girly eyelashes and a flower in his hair.
  • Epic Fail: Nasty Corp seemed very good at this. Special mention goes to kidnapping an endangered owl and forcing it to record multiple albums, and so releasing them to the public. Without realizing how god atrocious its singing was.
    • Father Time takes his married woman on a romantic prowl. On the Titanic. And and so he books a flying on the Hindenburg.
  • Exiled to the Burrow: Mother Nature threatens Father Time with this in the pilot (and in the Expository Theme Tune).
  • Expository Theme Melody: The theme speaks for itself.

    Once Upon a Time, there were five executives, who destroyed the Earth for money / Mother Nature got mad, said Father Time, "hey dad, you better end 'em or you're sleeping on the burrow, honey!" / So Begetter Fourth dimension zapped those five into fluffy, cuddly, sweetie pies / To places they plunder, gemstones they must recover

  • Expy:
    • Chewoo'south personality seems heavily derived from Little finger Pie.
    • Ricky the nearsighted bear sounds a helluva lot like Yogi Bear.
    • Easter Bunny's voice is very similar to Bugs Bunny.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Libby the Lynx, is so muscular and sexy, he entrances the girls which makes the boys jealous, but afterwards on some of them accidentally let slip their own latent attraction, particularly Lemmee.

    Lemmee: The girls may exist attracted to you, simply nosotros're not! ...That much. Now take your godlike face up and rippling muscles and exit!

    Lemmee: I really don't similar that guy, or his awesome muscles, and handsome confront.

  • Failure Is the Only Option:
    • Nearly every scheme cooked upwards past Nasty Corp failed horribly. It gets to the point where one wonders why they were still in business concern at all. Though it is possible Nasty Corp was scamming its customers, making money by selling dysfunctional products that customers were suckered into buying.
    • Not to mention the Pookees who seemed to exist built-in to fail. On a few occasions they actually conjecture that bad things befall them because they're the bad guys.
  • Gag Dub: Father Fourth dimension'south scenes were made for the English dub.
  • Girly Girl: Pammee the princess who finds half of the characters they come across to be romantic, and wanting to ally them. Humorously averted with Ring-Ring the Panda, who is the one character to ever openly display amore to her, but she ends up remaining completely oblivious to this.
  • Genki Girl: Chewoo the 'cheerleader' who is always happy and playful no matter how devastating the state of affairs is.

    Lemmee: Why is she always so happy?

    Roodee: Oh Lemmee, she'southward and then happy because yous're just and then fun to be around.

  • Bully Big Book of Everything: Roodee's book seems to contain information on anything he needs to know at a given moment.
  • Grumpy Bear: Lemmee the 'sourpuss' is the merely one of the YooHoos whose personality has not changed from his homo counterpart (and also the only i whose voice hasn't changed). He is self-centered, pessimistic, sadistic, lazy (to the betoken where he'd rather be crushed under an elephant and used as a doormat than do work), and in full general an all-circular jerk. In later episodes Lemmee attempts on some other of occasions to rename their squad "Lemmee and Friends" presenting himself as the leader. In the episode with the Wood of Lemurs, Lemmee points out that all lemurs act the way he does and it is not his fault, where YooHoo states that "[they] would never question his self-centered attitude ever over again". Nevertheless, if anything, the animosity between Lemmee and the others has steadily increased over the course of the series, to say the least.

    YooHoo: Lemmee, do y'all have to ruin everything we discover beautiful?

    Lemmee: Of course, it'southward the just thing I'thousand adept at.

  • Harmless Villain: The Pookees, a trio of meerkats who want the YooHoos' wish to become human.
  • Hammerspace:
    • The YooHoos consistent tendency to shop things in their armpits, such as Roodee'due south "armpit book" (which has a mind of its own and does non like being stored in that location due to hygiene) and YooHoo'due south purse of gems.

    Pookee ii: "How does Roodee keep this in his armpit?"

    • Male parent Time, able to produce his magic wooden staff from within his coat, in his pants, under his lid, and fifty-fifty in his ear. As well as being able to keep the Tv set in his pants.
  • Helium Speech: Chewoo's extremely high pitched voice (respect to Mara Kay for being able to pull that off).

    Lemmee: "It couldn't be worse than when Chewoo's singing makes our ears bleed."

    Chewoo (cheerfully): "Ears and optics!"

  • Historical Rap Sheet: Father Time was responsible for starting the Salem Witch Trials afterwards trying to assistance three women carrying heavy buckets of water... past enchanting brooms to carry them. Thankfully he managed to save their skins before long afterwards.
  • Homosexual Reproduction: Three male child parrots who somehow managed to produce an egg. The problem did not exist in the original series because i of the parrots was a daughter.
  • Idiot Hero: Most of the animals, with the exception of Roodee, who is a genius, able to construct complex inventions from random things he finds, and the merely ane able to read.
    • In detail, Chewoo, who is a complete ditz and often considered an annoyance. In the episode with Nasty Corp's candy plants, afterward initially failing the YooHoos agree to just blame it on Chewoo, and when YooHoo explains the trouble and Chewoo doesn't even pay attention Roodee asks "Why is she fifty-fifty in this show?".
    • Pammee is also quite oft in this office, simply not as frequently as Chewoo due to her shy, introverted nature. However in the episode with Band Ring the Panda where Ring Ring falls in dearest with Pammee and tells her an elevator joke, before finishing the joke Pammee laughs and asks for it to be told once again merely to later country she never got the joke from the beginning. Father Time then says "With Pammee the elevator never reaches the summit floor", where everyone laughs but for Chewoo to ask "Pammee has an elevator?"
    • YooHoo also tends to spout stupid claims, but to a much bottom extent than the girls.
    • Lemmee, although not exactly a genius, appears to be the but character who cares about his intelligence and is the only character with the power to hide it. As well he appears to exist the sanest character (despite existence the biggest asshole), having to put up with the stupidity around him.
  • Humans Are Morons: Not that the animals are any brighter.
  • I Choose to Stay: In the series finale, the protagonists make a Selfless Wish rather than change back to "normal", ultimately deciding that the adventures they had were far more enjoyable than existence a Corrupt Corporate Executive.
  • Incommunicable Thief: Libby the lynx hides the gem pocketbook in Roodee's ear, then pulls it out of YooHoo'south.
  • Ink-Adjust Role player: Flavor Flav as Father Time. He even has the viking helmet, clock and his consistent usage of the phrase "yes, boy!". This is later poked fun at when Father Time appears as a special guest at a hippie concert where he performs a rap, but is and so booed off the stage.
  • Interspecies Romance: Happy the Red Panda is married to a body of water moo-cow named Martha. For extra weirdness, he was originally female.
  • Lady Looks Like a Dude: Female parent Nature, at to the lowest degree in the face expanse.
  • Loss of Identity:
    • The once evil, coin hungry corporate executives now turned to cute, adorable, playful, fun loving animals. Particularly Chewoo who is extremely childish.
    • Averted with Lemmee who is still rude, selfish and still uses suing as a threat.
    • Sometimes averted with YooHoo when he has problem agreement what was actually wrong with what they did. Shown in "Mummy Dearest" where Father Fourth dimension explains they made glow-in-the-nighttime toothpaste from toxic waste product, Lemmee states "We were just recycling." Information technology's too done a few times with Chewoo where she will see their onetime product or the site where they commited the crime and instinctively think of committing the offense once again (forgetting that they had already committed it and were being punished for it).
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: YooHoo, Roodee, Pamee and Cheewoo's personalities are altered significantly upon being transformed, making them act like the Ridiculously Cute Critters they now are. They even greet Father Time similar a friend, and don't seem to mind having been transformed at all, which makes 1 wonder if they're even all the same doing it to get human again, turns out they don't.
    • Lemmee's personality and beliefs remain the aforementioned, as stated above. He's the simply one of the five whose reaction fits what one would expect him to have.
    • And guess what; the YooHoos end up doing just that, and remain as cute, little animals.
  • Mineral MacGuffin: Yoohoo and his friends have to consummate tasks for Father Time in order to collect gems. When they accept a full set of gems, Male parent Time will grant them a wish, which they intended to use to become human again.
  • Motive Decay: A rare positive example, the protagonists' original intended wish is gradually reduced to an afterthought, and eventually thrown away entirely.
  • Narrating the Obvious:
    • Mainly YooHoo who has a tendency to sayby out loud many of his actions, in particular the phrase "Grab" whenever he grabs something (in fact he says this phrase so ofttimes it borders being a Catchphrase). In the episode with the blueish-maned lion, when YooHoo states that the lion was transforming (equally a result of a magic puddle) Lemmee says "Thanks, narrator!"
    • Roodee has also done this, in the pelican episode after making his claw line-fishing rod and continuously stating its obvious functions, Lemmee at first continues saying "Duh" earlier threatening to slap him if he said one more than obvious affair.
  • Dainty Job Breaking It, Hero: See Historical Rap Sheet.
  • No Indoor Phonation:
    • Chewoo, with a off-white few examples;

    [The YooHoos are hiding in some bushes to try avoid being seen by an angry gorilla]

    Chewoo (at the peak of her vox): Hey Pammee! Why are you whispering?

  • Not-Standard Character Blueprint: Simply look at Father Time and the other characters drawn past David Feiss vs. the original Korean characters.
  • No Fourth Wall: The series is aware of itself, with the fourth wall existence broken in every manner possible; with characters able to notice and signal out every cartoon element in the evidence including thought bubbles, fight clouds, fade outs, snot bubbling, cartoon physics, "referring to episode" transition, and many more.
    • Ane of the near axiomatic ones is when Roodee was scared of seeing vampire bats (actually the (pathetically) disguised Pookees), YooHoo tells him not to worry as the vampire bats were nocturnal and that it was day time, he would exist safe until night time, and Roodee's response; "But that could be in a few seconds! This is a drawing, you know!".
    • In addition, Begetter Time really acts equally the prove's narrator, talking directly with the audience at the start of every episode. In fact, he once explains that he appears on the testify and makes the episodes as an excuse to non get a real job.
  • No Product Safe Standards: Pretty much all of Nasty Corp's products, which included lava perfume and diet acrid cola.
  • Oddly Small System: Most of the time the Nasty Corp. executives seem to be the only people working in their corporation (every bit they are direct responsible for everyone of their schemes and non but giving orders).
  • In one case an Episode: Whenever the YooHoos obtain a gem, they have a music video celebrating it. The get-go episode has them wondering when they really filmed it since "5 minutes ago [they] were still human being."
  • Our Ogres Are Hungrier: What Father Time is.
  • Off-Model: Feiss has some difficulty drawing the original characters in his own mode.
  • Parking Payback: Santa Claus parks his sleigh in front of Father Time'south firm. Father Fourth dimension uses his magical powers to move the sleigh so information technology is front of a burn down hydrant, causing Santa Claus to become a ticket.
  • Ability Trio: The Pookies, though in their case it's more than a instance of Non-so-Power Trio. They exercise share the about similarities with the Freudian Trio; with Pookee i beingness Id (fifty-fifty though he'due south the leader), Pookee sixteen existence Superego, and Pookee 2 being Ego (but instead of getting to brand decisions, he'south blindly bossed around and torn between the other ii conflicting voices).
  • Satire/Parody/Pastiche: Although information technology is an official Tv set series, many people can not assistance wondering at first glance considering: the dubbed over footage, and the characters, object placements and storyline being ridiculed and made fun of (usually by Breaking the Fourth Wall).
    • In fact it bordelines on being an Abridged Series of the South Korean series.
  • Ridiculously Beautiful Critter: Past the truckload.
  • Running Gag: A running gag was introduced later in the series involving Lemmee where subsequently YooHoo and friends fix one of their crimes and the victim of the law-breaking wishes to repay them, Lemmee will always selfishly try to claim the advantage only to discover information technology is a hug from the (oversized) victim which causes him pain.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Father Time rescues a trio of women accused of being witches by transporting them to Hogwarts.
    • YooHoo once references the origin of YooHoo and Friends; the plush toys, when he had a dream that they were all blimp animals and every kid in the world was playing with them.
    • There were references to Cow and Chicken (a prove that Feiss himself created) in some episodes.
  • Series Continuity Fault: So many examples, major ones including:
    • The Ring Ring the Panda episodes are shown in the wrong order (with the YooHoos mentioning they met Ringring in "the previous episode" that hadn't occurred yet).
    • The same problem occurs with Happy the Red Panda where the team run across him again, without meeting him for the first time, which occurs several episodes later.
    • It even happens with the Pookees, where they brainstorm their vain quest to steal the magic gems before they fifty-fifty discover the beingness of the gems, (and keep trying to pursue the gems when information technology was already established that they didn't want to chase the gems anymore, when Male parent Fourth dimension shows them their hideous homo forms).
    • In episode 52, Father Time seemed pretty convinced that the YooHoos were going to use their wish to become human being once again and acted amazed when they didn't. He should have known they wouldn't the moment he met the Eco Police in episode 33.
  • She'due south a Human being in Nihon: Several characters originally girls underwent gender changes due to Jesse Inocalla voicing practically every additional character, only this went on to create further complications when many of them still retain their daughter looks and physiology.
  • Simpleton Voice: Both Pammee and Chewoo are prone to this, being the about Book Dumb and naive members of the team.
  • Snot Bubble: I of the near focused cartoon elements, appearing since the first episode where YooHoo really uses it to save him and Pammee from drowning, in another episode YooHoo notices that not all of them have snot bubbles when they sleep.
  • The Tape Knew You Would Say That: The book acts like this sometimes, containing sarcastic replies to questions the animals inquire.

    How would I know? I'thousand just a volume, not the cloud principal or something!

  • Theme Tune Coil Call: The theme song has the five animals introducing themselves near the end.

    Lemmee: I'm Lemmee!
    Roodee: I'thousand Roodee!
    Pammee; I'm Pammee!
    Chewoo: I'm Chewoo!
    All iv: Did we forget...
    YooHoo: Me, YooHoo!

  • Besides Impaired to Live: Chewoo.

    [Chewoo gleefully premises ahead upon hearing of the perilous danger]

    Lemmee: "Is she brave or is she stupid?"

    YooHoo: "She's Chewoo."

    • Later on this is subverted when she is always the deliverer of "the dumb thought which saves the day", and the others rely on her to provide the solution, to the point where her idiocy is often what allows them to succeed.

    Lemmee: "Similar I said, a dumb idea always saves the twenty-four hour period."

  • Two Shorts: The series was intended to be viewed in this format, and did indeed air this way in Latin America; but in Australia all 52 segments aired separately.
  • Unfortunate Names: The reoccurring joke where Begetter Fourth dimension will say "I don't have the time" for one of Female parent Nature's requests which she will reply by saying "Don't have the time? You're Father Time!". In the first episode, he reveals that sometimes he wishes that his proper noun were "Bob or Carl or something."
  • Song Evolution: Coupled with a previous point above; the YooHoos voices are "cutified" along with their physical advent, especially Chewoo's high-pitched Helium Spoken communication. With the possible exception of Lemmee (and on some occasions, Roodee). With Lemmee his personality doesn't seem to take changed either.
    • Worth noting sometimes Cedric Themole accidentally reverts to Mr. YooHoo's vox when voicing YooHoo (this may exist because YooHoo's vocalization was originally intended to remain unchanged, but subsequently decisions were made to cutify it, and equally a effect some of the footage was left accidentally undubbed).
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Ms. Bushu seemed to accept been set up upwards as a reoccurring villain, merely vanished subsequently her initial advent and was never mentioned again.

The YooHoos: We're one step closer to our wish!

Lemmee: I wish this page would finish! *ding*


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