
How Do Autistic Children Do With Animals

Jackson Tillman is in 3rd form, lives in Kentucky, and has autism. The biggest challenge Jackson'south family has is that when a state of affairs becomes overwhelming Jackson bolts, and when Jackson is with his grandmother she can't keep up. That'due south where Jackson's buddy Mateo comes in. Mateo is a ii-year-one-time Labradoodle with short curly locks. He is the first autism service canis familiaris in Kentucky.


Mateo has changed Jackson'due south life, and his family's life.

Jackson and Mateo go everywhere together -- school, shopping with his grandmother, museums -- and when Jackson feels stressed he plays with Mateo's curly hair and feels calmer. Mateo came from "Autism Service Dogs of America" located in Oregon. Jackson's parents participated in a calendar week-long training in Oregon on how to best use Mateo with their son. They report that they take seen an enormous comeback in Jackson's behavior, and that he is able to spend more time in the classroom and more time out socially when he has Mateo by his side.

Mateo seems to work for Jackson, but are therapy dogs actually an effective therapeutic intervention for children with autism?

The Research is Encouraging

For some children therapy dogs or even the family pet can have meaning positive effects on social, cognitive, and emotional operation. Enquiry bears this out: Fourteen studies reviewed in 2013 and a handful of new research studies in the past three years have uniformly found that therapeutic interventions with dogs, horses, dolphins, and even Guinea pigs accept had positive effects on children with autism and their families.

Children with autism frequently have difficulty focusing, responding to sensory stimuli, and communicating with others. Research tells us that pet therapy can be particularly effective in addressing these issues. More than a decade ago researchers were intrigued when they found that children with autism tended to adopt pictures of animals to pictures of people, and that they also tended to be less responsive to human voices than to other sounds. Additional research studies looked more than closely at the animal connection, and contempo studies show that introducing a dog to children with autism reduced stress, anxiety, and irritation and resulted in a more relaxed environment for everyone.

Encouraging Pro-Social Behavior and Reducing Stress

Introducing a therapy dog has also been shown to improve prosocial beliefs in children with autism, and the research indicates that the results were the same regardless of whether there was a trained therapist working with the dog and the family unit, or if the parents were trained and used the dog in a therapeutic manner at home.

Researchers accept also investigated the impact of dogs on stress levels for children with autism by measuring physiological factors such as cortisol secretions that point when someone is feeling stressed. In one report that introduced dogs into families who had children with autism, stress levels decreased by 48 percent, and parents reported that problem behaviors had decreased significantly besides. Another written report establish that therapy dogs not but helped children, but also resulted in the entire family experiencing better interactions and improvements in overall happiness.

Not Just Whatsoever Child, Non But any Dog

Temple Grandin, probably the most famous person with autism, has demonstrated that some people with autism have special abilities to connect with and empathize strongly with the experiences of animals. Grandin is famous for helping at-home down cows, and developing more than humanitarian ways of treating farm animals. In a contempo interview Grandin said that in her experience about a third of people with autism have strong bonds with animals, about a third are challenged with being around animals, and about a third are about boilerplate in their interactions with animals.

While there is not clear research to bear out Grandin'due south experiences, most parents have a gut feeling about whether their their child might benefit from beingness with detail creature or might become more upset or stressed. Choosing the correct animal is also of import: A small yappy high-energy terrier may not be the correct pick compared to a at-home and more than complaisant well-trained Labrador or gold retriever.


The Guinea Grunter May be the Answer

About of the studies on pet and brute therapy for children with autism have focused on horses and dogs. Research on equine therapy programs has pointed to clear improvements in social and cognitive functioning for children with autism, simply considering horseback riding programs are expensive and crave a great deal of infrastructure, dogs appear to be the most popular selection for both researchers and for families.

Only a new kid on the block, the Guinea squealer, is also getting some attention by researchers.

One of the most prominent researchers in the area of pet therapy for children with autism is Marguerite O'Haire from Perdue Academy. She and her colleagues have conducted several research studies on children who take autism and the effects of interacting with Guinea pigs. O'Haire and her colleagues plant that children with autism had improved social skills and talked, smiled, laughed more and whined and cried less when Guinea pigs were present.

In a well-designed study last year, O'Haire found that playing with Guinea pigs reduced social stress for children with autism. O'Haire used a control group of neuro-typical children and measured a diverseness of activities such as:

  • reading aloud in a grouping,
  • free play with a toy,
  • and, group free play with a Republic of guinea grunter.

The researchers found that for children with autism the first 2 activities were more than stressful than for neuro-typical children, simply the Guinea pig activity was more calming. Interestingly, the neuro-typical children showed more signs of stress and arousal around the Republic of guinea pig, than did the children with autism, merely all children enjoyed the Republic of guinea pig.

More studies are needed on pet therapy, especially studies with large sample sizes and control groups such as the ane conducted on Guinea Pigs. At the same time, we also know from research that each kid with autism is unique and what works brilliantly for i kid may or may not work for another. Trying pet therapy, perhaps initially in small doses, may be a proficient strategy to pursue for your child, and for your family.

Pets Theme Learning Kit

For more information on training a service dog, take a expect at this resource here.

Resources linked:

  • For more on Jackson and his dog Mateo see:
  • For a review of the research on ASD and pet therapy come across: Siewertsen, Caitlin; French, Emma and Masaru Teramoto. "Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pet Therapy." Review Commodity. Advances, Spring 2015 29 (no. 2). http://world wide
  • For Marguerite O'Haire's research see:
  • Autism Service Dogs of America is a non-profit that works with families and service dogs. For more encounter:
  • For a guide on getting funds or grants for service animals and a breakdown of expenses see:

  • For a listing of certified programs for all kinds of therapy dogs run into: http://world wide and also run into: world wide
  • For more on Temple Grandin's interview about animal therapy for children with autism see: https://world wide
  • For more information on how to brand your canis familiaris a service canis familiaris, see: dog-a-service-canis familiaris


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