
Is There An App That Filters Friends Facebook

Know which friends are agile and inactive!

Launch FriendFilter!

Start your free browse! Click here

Available in Google Chrome store

Simply install the plugin and follow the steps to scan your page!

FriendFilter is simple to use!

  1. Open FriendFilter App
  2. Connect your Facebook account
  3. Install our Chrome Extension
  4. Permit FriendFilter scan the previous xc days of date

The FriendFilter extension will browse your Facebook page through your browser and written report on who is engaging with your page and who is not.

FriendFilter Report

Using FriendFilter Pro, you will be able to find the friends who are engaging with your posts, and remove the friends who are not engaging

The FriendFilter extension is free to download and run the study!

With Friend Filter Pro, the awarding will give y'all admission to whitelist your friends and add people to your TO Be REMOVED tab.

FriendFilter Whitelist

Then yous can set the system to go notice the connections on Facebook who are not engaging, and they will automatically be added to your TO Exist DELETED cavalcade.

FriendFilter Whitelist

We created FriendFilter because other apps merely discover the inactive profiles… and the other apps were besides difficult to manage.

With FriendFilter Pro, yous can manage your list every month, keeping your friends list clean and making room for new friends.

Without FriendFilter Pro, it would be impossible to know who is engaging and who is non. This application establish 561 friends who were non engaging, removed them and my engagement doubled!


– Kim

I was maxed out on Facebook friends, and so I ran FriendFilter Pro and the system establish over 2200 friends who were not engaging. I removed them and my organic accomplish increased 3X! WOW!


– George

I knew that some of my friends were not liking and commenting on my posts, but I had no idea that it was that many! Thank you lot FriendFilter team!


– Cynthia

How does information technology piece of work?

FriendFilter reads all the posts on your folio and looks at likes, comments and shares.

So report to your dashboard with who is engaging and how often. This creates a report on your peak 10 most engaged followers.

The system will allow you to whitelist friends who you do not want to be removed. Then it will take the residuum of the list and let you lot to filter and add the not-engaged users to the TO Be REMOVED LIST.

Is FriendFilter condom?

The FriendFilter extension runs on your computer, not on our servers.

Be sure to follow the FriendFilter Terms of Utilize and Privacy Policy. We recommend using FriendFilter as instructed and at your own hazard.

Need Assistance?

If you need FriendFilter technical support, click hither and create a ticket. Our helpful client success team will be able to assist you within 48 hours with any back up issues.

Is There An App That Filters Friends Facebook,


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